The Miller Mindset: The Art of the Negotiation Mindset

The Miller Mindset: Episode # 0019

Welcome to “The Miller Mindset”, a weekly podcast where we explore the power of positive thinking and its impact on our lives. Join me, Chris Miller, as we dive into such topics as goal- setting, overcoming obstacles, and developing a growth mindset. If you’re looking to improve your life and reach your full potential, then this podcast is for you. Don’t miss an episode. Be sure to subscribe today! On today’s show, we will be exploring how our mindset can play a huge role in the decision-making process.  So let’s get into it.

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Have you ever found yourself struggling to make a decision, feeling stuck in analysis paralysis? We’ve all been there, but did you know that our mindset is the lens through which we view the world? It shapes our thoughts and beliefs, ultimately influencing the decisions we make in our lives. 

Our minds are almost never completely made up, after all, and through negotiation, a no can easily become a yes. Think about your kid when you take them to a store. How often did they ask for something, and you said no, but then they asked again a couple of more times and you bought it for them? That is negotiation. It is ingrained in the fabric of our being.

Children certainly aren’t going to school, listening to tapes, or reading books like “The Art of The Deal” by Donald Trump. They’re simply born with the understanding that they can win us over, and they often do. Negotiations can be tricky however, but with the right mindset, you can come out on top in your negotiations just as well as you kids do with you. 

First and foremost, it’s important to have an open mindset, ready to listen and to learn from your opponent in the negotiation. This means that you need to believe that you can improve and learn from your opponent’s and your own mistakes and miscalculations along the journey, and make no mistake about it; negotiation is a journey of discovery and action. 

In negotiations, being open to feedback and having a willingness to adapt your strategy as needed makes all the difference. It also means not letting setbacks discourage you, but rather seeing them as the opportunities that they really are. Remember this. . . in negotiations, everything is a learning experience. Everything, and all information exchanged along the way is an opportunity to close.

Alec Baldwin did a fantastic performance in the movie “Glenn Gary, Glenn Ross” back in 1992. I don’t know if you’re familiar with it, but that movie had some terrific performances from Jack Lemmon, Ed Harris, Alan Arkin, and Al Pacino as well. In the movie, which is also a great book by the way, Baldwin makes a long rant about closing, right after he starts off with “The Good News is You’re Fired. The Bad News is all of you’ve got one week to try and regain your jobs…”. If you haven’t seen the movie, I would encourage you to check it out. 

This moment that Baldwin shares with us is a perfect example of closing. He goes on and on about the ABCs (Always Be Closing) of sales, and I like it because his entire speech is a negotiation and closing tactic. His goal, of course, is to turn things around in that office and get it producing again. His solution, and the purpose of the “sale” he is trying to make with his negotiation is to put fear into their hearts that they will soon be out of work. 

The brilliance of it is in the approach that it is inevitable because it has already happened. It is in the past. So what can they do? 

Along this journey, they oppose and object. Jack Lemmon actually says “The Leads Are Weak.”, to which Baldwin scoffs at him and tells him he is weak. The negotiation goes on, as he dismantles all objections and excuses, putting them firmly in the grips of hopelessness. But then, reluctantly, and certainly seeming to be against his wishes, he gives them a small glimmer of hope. A single chance. A small opportunity for redemption. He closes the deal, and they get it. They buy the whole enchilada that he’s selling. That was an example of a good negotiation. 

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Another fantastic approach in negotiations is with a win-win mindset. This means looking for ways to create value for both parties involved, rather than just focusing on your own interests. When you approach negotiations in this way, you build trust and rapport with the other party, which can lead to more successful outcomes in the long run. 

Sticking with the movie theme that I apparently have going here, have you ever seen the movie “The Founder” with Michael Keaton? This is another terrific film, and itn it Keaton plays Ray Kroc who essentially stole the McDonalds business right out from under the original owners. How did he do it though? 

He did it through creating a win-win scenario to gain their trust. He told them, let me run the franchises for you, and I’ll devote my own time, and money to putting a McDonalds on every corner. He wins. They win. 

Later on, things changed, but he had established the trust, by that point which allowed him the opportunity to, as they say in baseball, “swing for the fences.”

So, how can you ensure that your negotiation skills beat your opponents’? Here are 2 sure-fire ways to do it. 

Number 1. Do your research.

Be prepared and know as much as you can about the other party’s interests, needs, and priorities. This will give you a better understanding of where they’re coming from and what they’re looking for. Knowledge is power, and if you know what they want, you can find a way to get what you want by helping them achieve it. 

Number 2. Practice active listening. 

This means really paying attention to what the other party is saying, and asking questions to clarify their position. When objections come up, recognize them for what they are, opportunities to close the deal. They are telling you what they need. Listen to them in these moments, and find a way to work with it. By doing this, you can find common ground and come up with solutions that work for both parties.

I’ll give you an example of how I used these 2 principals to close a $12MM deal through the art of a win-win closing scenario several years ago. I was in charge of a sales group for a tax tracking firm, and one of the salespeople on my team had been working with one particular bank for more than 2 years and had never closed the deal. I read about this as I was reading through the logs and I asked her about it. She told me they couldn’t get budget approval through their Board of Directors. OK. That’s understandable. But why are they still talking with her 2 year later? I thought there had to be a reason, but she couldn’t answer that so I said, “Get them on the phone.” 

So we conferenced with the VP and the head of mortgage loans for the Bank and I interrupted the conversation at one point to ask, “Can I just ask, what the heck are we even still talking for?” 

The silence was deafening. But then it ended. The prospect said, “Well I love your product and think it would be perfect for us. I just can’t get the rest of them to see what I see.” 

Boom! There it was; the opening I needed to close this deal. It was right there the whole time. She could have closed it up a year ago if she had kept an open mind and listened for the clues. He told me what he needed. He needed the other Board Members to see the benefit, and she hadn’t built the value to demonstrate $12MM worth of benefit to them. She missed it, and that can happen, but I didn’t miss it. I immediately jumped on that opportunity and I asked him what his largest pain point that our product would address for him would be. He told me and then I asked if we could re-write this deal to just service that one set of problem loans, could he get it done? That would give him the proof he needed to get approval for the whole department win the next budget meeting came up.

He loved the idea, saw it as a win for the bank, and told me he could approve that deal on his own because he had signature authority up to the $1MM we were negotiating for. We closed the deal with a new million dollar contract on the books, and a very happy new client. He closed the deal with security for his bank and less stress on his team, plus, he now had the ammunition he would need to secure budget approval for his department in the next meeting. Win-Win. The following fall, he sent us a signed agreement for the full $12MM, right on schedule, and with a big thank you.

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Well, that’s our show for today folks. I hope you enjoyed the show today, and perhaps even got something useful out of it. Remember, negotiations are all about mindset. If you approach them with an open and win-win mindset, and you do your research and you incorporate active listening, you’ll be well on your way to success in your future negotiations.

If you feel you’ve enjoyed the show, please do leave me a comment, and don’t forget to subscribe as well so you don’t miss a thing. You can also see this episode in blog form if you like, and sign up to receive email alerts when new episodes are released at Until then, I’m Chris Miller, reminding you to always keep smiling.

On the Next Episode:

Next time, on The Miller Mindset, we’ll be be talking about how to overcome limiting beliefs that set back business growth. Plus I’ll give you 5 steps to keep your head in the game. That’s next Tuesday, August 15th at 2pm EST; so Don’t miss it.

Want more Episodes of The Miller Mindset. 

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Also, check out:

Episode 17 – Mindset of Resilience:

Episode 16 – Mindset for Impact Growth:

Episode 13 – Overcoming Your Fears to Live Your Dreams

Episode 12 – Unlocking Long-Term Business Growth made with an Adaptable Mindset

Episode 11 – Perseverance Mindset: 1 Simple Trick to Make You More Effective in Negotiations

Episode 10 – The Power of the Mind: Training Your Brain

Episode 9 – 3 Steps to Overcome Procrastination with the Right Mindset

Schedule an Appointment to speak with Chris Miller and discuss ways you can improve your mindset and grow as a business leader. Pick a time that works for your schedule now: Access Chris’ Calendar.

The Miller Mindset: 1 Cool Tip for Happy Decision Making!

The Miller Mindset: Episode # 0018

Welcome to “The Miller Mindset”, a weekly podcast where we explore the power of positive thinking and its impact on our lives. Join me, Chris Miller, as we dive into such topics as goal- setting, overcoming obstacles, and developing a growth mindset. If you’re looking to improve your life and reach your full potential, then this podcast is for you. Don’t miss an episode. Be sure to subscribe today! On today’s show, we will be discussing the role of your mindset in your decision making process. So let’s get into it.

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Have you ever found yourself struggling to make a decision? It can be difficult to weigh the pros and cons, and sometimes we get stuck in analysis paralysis. But did you know that your mindset can play a huge role in this process?

Our mindset is the lens through which we view the world. It shapes our thoughts and our beliefs, ultimately influencing the decisions we make for the better or the worse in our lives. If we have a positive mindset, we are more likely to make decisions that align with our values and bring us happiness. On the other hand, a negative mindset can lead to decisions that are based on fear or self-doubt, and ultimately leave us feeling unsatisfied.

The way we think about ourselves and the world around us can significantly impact the quality of our lives. When we have a positive mindset, we tend to make decisions that bring us closer to our goals and aspirations, and that ultimately leads toward happiness. For example, if you have a positive mindset, you may decide to pursue a career that you are passionate about, even if it means taking a risk and stepping outside of your comfort zone. This decision may be challenging at first, but ultimately, it brings you fulfillment and joy.

Let’s talk about pursuing your passion as an example. When you approach life with positivity, you may feel more confident and willing to take risks. This can lead to pursuing a passion, whether it’s a hobby or a career. By following your heart, you may find yourself feeling fulfilled and happy, even during challenging times. For example, if you have always dreamt of becoming a writer, a positive mindset may give you the courage to take the first step and start writing. As you continue to cultivate a positive outlook, you may find yourself enjoying the journey and feeling grateful for the opportunity to pursue your passion.

Another example can be found when choosing our friends and cultivating meaningful relationships with others. Positive thinking can also help you build and maintain positive relationships with others. Plus, when you interact with others on a positive level, you will notice that you and the group you hang out and associate with are all going to get onto the same level. Anyone and everyone else in your group who isn’t on that level will also either rise to meet it or find there own way out of it in favor of a group more in tune with whatever mindset they want to stay within. When you approach interactions with an open mind and a willingness to connect, you will find that like-minded people will be drawn to you, and vice versa. This can lead to deeper and more fulfilling relationships with friends, family, and romantic partners in the long run, and in general just having a better time when getting together. By focusing on the positive aspects of others and avoiding negativity whenever it shows up, you can create a self-nurturing environment that will support your well-being and overall happiness.

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On the other hand, if we have a negative mindset, we may make decisions that are based on self-doubt and fear. For instance, you may decide not to apply for a job that you really want because you fear rejection or failure. Or maybe you decide not to attend an event or buy a particular business tool, software, or training program that you know will boost your business but you are unsure of your ability to put it to work for you or in your business. This decision may actually serve to hold you back, and can have disastrous effects on both your business and your personal earnings. In the long run, decisions like these can lead to feelings of regret and unfulfillment, as well as doubt in yourself and your ability to accomplish things.

In my line of work, I meet people all of the time who are afraid to purchase something that they know will help them. Usually they say something to effect that they know that thing will help them get where they want to go, or maybe that it will get them there faster, but that they can’t afford it or the timing isn’t right for them. Now, I’m a business analyst and consultant as well as a business owner and a salesman, so I look at these sort of statements from multiple angles almost automatically and make an evaluation of the pros and the cons toward any situation I am faced with. And it is worth mentioning that I have heard these same excuses and negative mindset influences coming up in these situations over and over again for years, sometimes in relation to buying something from me, and sometimes in relation to buying something from someone else. But I know something they often don’t know, and that’s that our mindset can be changed when we look at things from different angles.

It’s essential to recognize that our mindset is not fixed, and we can work to develop a more positive outlook on life and toward situations like these. By focusing on our strengths and accomplishments, practicing gratitude, and challenging negative self-talk, we can shift our mindset to one that is more positive and empowering. This, in turn, can lead to decisions that are aligned with our core values and aspirations, and that bring us happiness and fulfillment in life. Let’s look at this purchase scenario from a different perspective for a moment. Let’s just say that the cost is $1,999, which most things out there today seem to be priced at. Sometimes the thing they are looking at is more, and sometimes it is less, but the concept applies the same. Often, these people spend their brain power and their energy so focused on the negative mindsets that they fail to see the upsides to the choice they have been presented with. Choice is a fantastic gift to be presented with. Choice means options, and options ensure positive outcomes. So if we look at it from a choice transaction standpoint, we can really evaluate the decision process to find the right move.

On one hand, there is the argument to be made that the price is expensive and if they were to purchase it, they would have less money to pay other things they need to pay for as well. This is a singular mindset, purely transactional, and with a closed mindset mentality. In short, negative by nature.

On the other hand, there is also an argument to be made that the purchase would speed the time it takes them to learn or find a solution, or implement something that would increase their business sooner than they can achieve it without the product. A good example is a training program. Training programs exist to help us get to where we want to go faster, not to impart some miraculous wisdom that we cannot figure out on our own through time, work, and trial and error. They are simply a means of getting there faster and more directly. I know this because I have personally built many training programs over the years to help my own clients with some of the hurdles they have faced. But I’m getting off the point.

The point is, that by choosing to take the leap and make the decision to purchase that product which will help them build, streamline, or simply figure some critical step out faster than they can through trial and error, they are often making positive decisions that will get them through the tough hurdles, start bringing more customers and clients to them, shorten their workload and timeframe needed to implement, and bring in more sales and more revenue for their business which directly challenges the idea of the transaction because the cost is inconsequential in the long run if they are more active and bring in more money to offset the cost of that product in the end. This is a mindset of expanded thinking. It is one of openness and forethought. In short, positive by nature.

So how can we ensure that we are making decisions that align with our values and bring us happiness? Here’s a cool tip:

#1 – Before making a decision, ask yourself if you have looked at the decision from multiple angles.

Are you keeping your mindset open and expanded to all of the possibilities? If the answer is yes, then go for it! If not, and you find yourself looking at the decision purely with a transactional or closed off and negative mindset, take a step back and reconsider the decision first so you don’t inadvertently do yourself a disservice. You may be right not to do it, or you may not be. In either case, this simple exercise can help you see all of the angles, stay true to yourself, and make decisions that bring you closer to your goals.

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Well, that’s our show for today folks. I hope you enjoyed the show today, and perhaps even got something useful out of it. Remember, your mindset plays a crucial role in your decision making process. By adopting a positive mindset and staying true to your values, you can make decisions that bring you happiness and fulfillment.

If you feel you enjoyed the show, please do leave me a comment, and don’t forget to subscribe as well so you don’t miss a thing. You can also see this episode in blog form if you like, and sign up to receive email alerts when new episodes are released at Until then, I’m Chris Miller, reminding you to always keep smiling.

On the Next Episode:

Next time, on The Miller Mindset, we’ll be be talking about the importance your mindset plays in negotiations. Plus I’ll give you 2 tips to ensure negotiation skills beat your opponents’. That’s next Tuesday, August 8th at 2pm EST; so Don’t miss it.

Want more Episodes of The Miller Mindset. 

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Also, check out:

Episode 17 – Mindset of Resilience:

Episode 16 – Mindset for Impact Growth:

Episode 13 – Overcoming Your Fears to Live Your Dreams

Episode 12 – Unlocking Long-Term Business Growth made with an Adaptable Mindset

Episode 11 – Perseverance Mindset: 1 Simple Trick to Make You More Effective in Negotiations

Episode 10 – The Power of the Mind: Training Your Brain

Episode 9 – 3 Steps to Overcome Procrastination with the Right Mindset

Schedule an Appointment to speak with Chris Miller and discuss ways you can improve your mindset and grow as a business leader. Pick a time that works for your schedule now: Access Chris’ Calendar.

The Miller Mindset: Resilience, a Mindset of Growth!

The Miller Mindset: Episode # 0017

Welcome to “The Miller Mindset”, a weekly podcast where we explore the power of positive thinking and its impact on our lives. Join me, Chris Miller, as we dive into such topics as goal- setting, overcoming obstacles, and developing a growth mindset. If you’re looking to improve your life and reach your full potential, then this podcast is for you. Don’t miss an episode. Be sure to subscribe today!

On today’s show, we will be discussing building resilience in the face of adversity. Life can be tough and sometimes things don’t go as planned. However, it’s important to remember that setbacks and challenges can be opportunities for growth and development.

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Let’s start off with defining what we mean by the word resilience. Resilience is the ability to bounce back from difficult situations and come out even stronger for having gone through them in the first place. Resilience is that willingness found deep down inside of you to face challenges head-on and not give up in the face of adversity, even though it might be hard, or scary to face it. Building resilience is a skill that can be learned and developed over time, and it’s something that we all need in order to thrive in life and in business.

So, how do we build resilience? First and foremost, it’s important to develop a positive mindset. This means focusing on the good things in life rather than dwelling on the negative. It’s about looking for opportunities to learn and grow, even in the face of challenges. Don’t focus your energy where that energy will be wasted. Focus on the road ahead of you. Too often, I witness people who fail at something and then obsess over that failure for long periods of time before they make any moves to the next opportunity. Meanwhile, while they are sitting there wallowing in self-pity and self-doubt, they aren’t doing anything to actively pull themselves out of that place so that they can start being successful again.

Look folks, I get it. Business is hard. Life is hard. But you know what, if it wasn’t hard you wouldn’t be interested in doing it. That’s a fact. Think about your life for just a moment. Whenever you have had things that came easy to you, did you put much effort into them for very long? Did you work to improve on them and push them to become everything they could be? Did you have any interest at all? For most of you listening, if you’re honest with yourself you’ll say no. But now let’s look at the flip side of that for a moment. When something you had broke, and you could try to fix it or just go buy a new one, how many times to you choose instead to sit there for an hour or longer trying to figure out how to fix it instead of taking 20 mins to go to the store and buy another? If your honest, you know you have. Why is that? Why do we do it when we know it is easier to just buy the new one? We do it because it is a challenge to be conquered. It is the goal before us to take what is broken and make it whole again. It looks doable, so even if it takes us hours to get it right, we want to get it right and get it done.

Now. . . ask yourself:

“why am I not willing to put in the same effort with my business?”

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Resilience means doing the work to bounce back in the face of adversity. So what. . . something you worked on broke. So what. . . something you pitched didn’t work out. Get over it and try again. Reach out to that next guy on the list. Try a new variation. Get the thing working again. That’s resilience. That’s what it takes to be successful. Everything we do isn’t always going to work. If it did, we wouldn’t put much effort into it. That being said, you can’t get the excitement and the joy from closing that big deal you have been working on without putting in the hard work to get it. Without the hard work, the payoff doesn’t hold any meaning. There would be no excitement.

Another important factor in building resilience is having a support system. This could be your friends, family, colleagues, or even a therapist. Having someone to talk to and lean on during difficult times can make all the difference in the world when you are struggling because they will remind you of why you are working so hard for it in the first place. They can keep your focus and keep you on track if you tell them what’s going on. So don’t be shy. Reach out to your support group and keep moving in the right direction.

Now, let’s talk about some easy tips for recovering from setbacks. I’m going to give you two of them here that will help you recover quickly when things try to derail you..

#1 – Take a step back and evaluate the situation.

Ask yourself what went wrong and what you can do differently next time. This will help you learn from the experience and avoid making the same mistakes in the future. Here is a bit of advice with that however. Don’t take very long to do this. There is a fine line between thinking through a problem and dwelling on a problem. Evaluate it, and then let it go. See what you can learn from the failure, and incorporate that into the next endeavor. But then, like I said, let it go and move on.

#2 – practice self-care.

Take time to do things that make you feel good, such as exercising, spending time with loved ones, or indulging in a favorite hobby. This will help you recharge and regain your strength so that you can face the challenges ahead. Are you aware that the most successful and powerful people in the world take time out of each day to go and exercise, or take a walk in the park, or do some other activity (any other activity) in the middle of the work day just to stay sharp and focused? Ask yourself, do you do that? Do you even take time to unplug and go to lunch, leaving your work behind when you do? How many vacations have you taken over the years where you wife or husbands got annoyed with you because while they are wanting to spend time with you, you are still working on the call, or just having to “send this one more email and then I’m done, I swear.”

You need to take better care of yourself and not get over worked. When things get tough or when funds get tight, this can be difficult to do. I will tell you it is even more important in those situations. You do yourself no good if you are stressed because that stress comes out to everyone you meet. If they sense you desperation, they don’t feel confident in working with you. So leave that desperation at the gym and then go get back to work.

Looking for a Good Start in Business?


Well, that’s our show for today folks. I hope you enjoyed the show today, and perhaps even got something useful out of it. Remember, building resilience is all about developing a positive mindset, having a support system, and being willing to learn and grow from the setbacks you face. Don’t forget that setbacks are not failures but opportunities for growth and development. So, stay strong, keep pushing forward, and know that you have what it takes to overcome any challenge that comes your way.

If you feel you enjoyed the show, please do leave me a comment, and don’t forget to subscribe as well so you don’t miss a thing. You can also see this episode in blog form if you like, and sign up to receive email alerts when new episodes are released at Until then, I’m Chris Miller, reminding you to always keep smiling.

On the Next Episode:

Next time, on The Miller Mindset, we’ll be be talking about the role your mindset play in your decision making process. Plus I’ll give you 1 cool tips to to make sure you are always happy with the decisions you make. That’s next Tuesday, August 1st at 2pm EST; so Don’t miss it.

Want more Episodes of The Miller Mindset. 

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Also, check out:

Episode 16 – Mindset for Impact Growth:

Episode 13 – Overcoming Your Fears to Live Your Dreams

Episode 12 – Unlocking Long-Term Business Growth made with an Adaptable Mindset

Episode 11 – Perseverance Mindset: 1 Simple Trick to Make You More Effective in Negotiations

Episode 10 – The Power of the Mind: Training Your Brain

Episode 9 – 3 Steps to Overcome Procrastination with the Right Mindset

Schedule an Appointment to speak with Chris Miller and discuss ways you can improve your mindset and grow as a business leader. Pick a time that works for your schedule now: Access Chris’ Calendar.

The Miller Mindset: Know your Mindset’s Impact on Growth Performance

The Miller Mindset: Episode # 0016

Welcome to “The Miller Mindset”, a weekly podcast where we explore the power of positive thinking and its impact on our lives. Join me, Chris Miller, as we dive into such topics as goal- setting, overcoming obstacles, and developing a growth mindset. If you’re looking to improve your life and reach your full potential, then this podcast is for you. Don’t miss an episode. Be sure to subscribe today!

On our show today, we’re going to talk about a topic that’s incredibly important for anyone looking to succeed in business. When it comes to business performance, your mindset can have a huge impact on your rate of success or failure. You may have heard the saying “whether you think you can or you can’t, you’re right.” This quote is from Henry Ford, the founder of Ford Motor Company, and it emphasizes the power of mindset and how our beliefs can greatly impact our actions and outcomes. It suggests that having a positive attitude and believing in oneself can lead to success, while a negative attitude and lack of belief can lead to failure.

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This is absolutely true in the world of business. If you approach challenges with a negative mindset and assume everything will go wrong, you’re setting yourself up for failure. On the other hand, if you approach challenges with a positive, can-do attitude, you’re much more likely to succeed.

So, how can you cultivate a positive mindset? One way is to focus on gratitude. Take a few minutes each day to think about what you’re thankful for. This can help shift your perspective and help you approach challenges with a more positive attitude.

Another key component of a positive mindset is resilience. When things don’t go as planned, it’s easy to get discouraged. But if you can bounce back from setbacks and keep moving forward, you’ll be much more likely to succeed in the long run.

Of course, it’s not always easy to maintain a positive mindset. Sometimes, you’ll have to work hard to shift your perspective. But the effort is worth it. By cultivating a positive mindset, you’ll be better equipped to handle the ups and downs of business and ultimately achieve success. But the concept of shifting one’s mindset from negative to positive is easier say than done, isn’t it.

When you’re in that moment, the one where nothing is going right; or when you realize that you have to start all over again on a project you have been working on all day, or week, or month, shifting your mindset to a positive one can be down right hard to do. I know. I’ve been there same as you have. We all go through it from time to time. That’s what makes us human, and helps us learn and grow. These trials are important, so look at them as the true learning opportunities that they are, and not as the derailment they present themselves to be.

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Whatever you want in life, you can get it with the right mindset, training, and direction.

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Here are three tips to stay motivated when those blah days try to derail your efforts.

#1 – Break down your long-term goals into smaller, more manageable tasks.

When you’re feeling unmotivated, it can be overwhelming to think about everything you need to accomplish. By breaking down your goals into smaller tasks, you can focus on making progress one step at a time. This can help you feel more in control of your situation and give you a sense of accomplishment as you check off each task. Additionally, taking the time to break down the steps needed to accomplish your goals can help you identify any potential roadblocks that may be standing between you and progress. But you’re saying, “That’s great Chris, but how do I get motivated in the first place? Just breaking down my goals isn’t going to do that for me.” You’re right! It won’t do that for you, but it will get your brain thinking about the next move which means it will pull you back into work mode and get you started again. For motivation, we talk about step #2.

#2 – Focus on your “why.”

When you’re feeling unmotivated, it’s easy to lose sight of why you started pursuing your goals in the first place. This slows you down, and allows doubt to set in. Doubt is a productivity KILLER folks. Never allow it a chance to breathe. When it comes to doubt, remember this one piece of advice. Either it kills your dreams, or you kill it. It’s really as simple as that.

Does that mean everything you do will work because you choose to believe without a shadow of doubt that it will? Of course not. Not everything we do is going to succeed. It just isn’t. But if you allow yourself to doubt, your chances of that thing succeeding are zero. So don’t do it. Don’t allow yourself to doubt or to feel depressed. Don’t allow the weight of your problems to take hold of you and zap your energy. Instead, take some time to reflect on your reasons for pursuing your goals and remind yourself of the bigger picture. This can help you regain your sense of purpose and motivation. You might even consider creating a vision board or other visual representation of your goals as a reminder of why you’re working so hard.

#3 – Find an accountability partner.

Sometimes, having someone to hold you accountable can be incredibly motivating and productive. This could be a friend, family member, or even a professional coach or mentor. Share your goals with your accountability partner and ask them to check in with you regularly to see how you’re progressing. Knowing that someone else is invested in your success can help you stay motivated and on track.

Here at The Miller Firms, we have a personal/virtual coaching program hybrid which is probably the most advanced I have seen. It provides a guided progression from understanding where you are to getting you to where you want to be. Along the journey, the system reaches out to you on a regular basis to keep you motivated, on track, and accountable to your own purpose. If you fall away, it pulls you back. If you need help, it set’s you an appointment with your coach who can help you get back on track. For real growth, and success, this accountability and guidance is so vitally important. If you are interested in finding out more about the Miller Mindset Professional Business Coaching Program from us here at The Miller Firms, check it out at today.

Looking for a Good Start in Business?


Well, that’s our show for today folks. I hope you enjoyed the show today, and perhaps even got something useful out of it. Remember, whether you think you can or you can’t, you’re right. So choose to think positively, cultivate resilience, and watch your business thrive.

If you feel you enjoyed the show, please do leave me a comment, and don’t forget to subscribe as well so you don’t miss a thing. You can also see this episode in blog form if you like, and sign up to receive email alerts when new episodes are released at Until then, I’m Chris Miller, reminding you to always keep smiling.

On the Next Episode:

Next time, on The Miller Mindset, we’ll be be talking about building resilience in the face of adversity. That’s a show you’re really not going to want to miss. Plus I’ll give you 2 easy tips to recover from setbacks when they occur. That’s next Tuesday, July 25th at 2pm EST; so Don’t miss it.

Want more Episodes of The Miller Mindset. 

Subscribe to our Episode Alerts here.

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Also, check out: Episode 13 – Overcoming Your Fears to Live Your Dreams

Episode 12 – Unlocking Long-Term Business Growth made with an Adaptable Mindset

Episode 11 – Perseverance Mindset: 1 Simple Trick to Make You More Effective in Negotiations

Episode 10 – The Power of the Mind: Training Your Brain

Episode 9 – 3 Steps to Overcome Procrastination with the Right Mindset

Schedule an Appointment to speak with Chris Miller and discuss ways you can improve your mindset and grow as a business leader. Pick a time that works for your schedule now: Access Chris’ Calendar.

The Miller Mindset: Achieving Victory in 5 Simple Steps

The Miller Mindset: Episode # 0015

Welcome to “The Miller Mindset”, a weekly podcast where we explore the power of positive thinking and its impact on our lives. Join me, Chris Miller, as we dive into such topics as goal- setting, overcoming obstacles, and developing a growth mindset. If you’re looking to improve your life and reach your full potential, then this podcast is for you. Don’t miss an episode. Be sure to subscribe today!

In episode 14, we talked about the American Revolutionary War, and the colonists’ unwavering shared mindset of victory which ultimately resulted in the independent Nation we all know today. I ran out of time last week though to go through some of the most important aspects of the show that I wanted to, so today we’re doing a follow up. We’re going to dive deeper into how you can achieve your own victories and I’m going to give you a simple 5 step process to get everything you want!

This is a follow up to Episode 14: Independence Day 2023, which you can view by clicking here.

Here is a Simple 5 step process to get everything you want!

Step 1: Define your goals clearly and specifically.

Identify what you want to achieve and why it matters to you.

Defining your goals clearly and specifically is the first step towards achieving success. When you have a clear understanding of your goals, you are better able to focus your energy and resources towards achieving them. You can also measure your progress and make adjustments as needed to stay on track. It is important to take the time to think about what you truly want and why it is important to you. This will help you stay motivated and committed to your goals, even when challenges arise. So, take the time to define your goals clearly and specifically, and start working towards achieving them today.

Step 2: Develop a plan of action.

Break your goals down into smaller, manageable steps and create a timeline for completion.

Developing a plan of action is the next crucial step towards achieving your goals. To make it more effective, it’s important to break down your goals into smaller, manageable steps. This helps to avoid feeling overwhelmed and makes it easier to track progress. Once you have identified the steps, create a timeline for completion. This will provide a clear roadmap towards achieving your goals and will help you to stay on track. Remember to review and adjust your plan as needed to ensure that you are making progress towards your goals.

Step 3: Stay focused and committed.

Keep your goals in mind, and stay motivated by reminding yourself of why they matter to you.

Staying focused and committed is non negotiable if you want to achieve your goals. One effective way to do this is by keeping your goals in mind, and constantly remind yourself of why they matter to you. When you feel unmotivated or distracted, take a moment to reflect on the bigger picture and how your goals fit into it. This can help you regain your focus and stay on track. Additionally, it’s important to be patient and persistent in pursuing your goals, even when faced with obstacles or setbacks, which, if you are doing things right, you will face along the way. By staying committed and dedicated, you can overcome challenges and achieve the success you desire.

Success is No Accident

Whatever you want in life, you can get it with the right mindset, training, and direction.

Our program will help you earn $10,000+/month in the first 60 Days. Find out more at:

Step 4: Learn from your mistakes.

Don’t be afraid to make mistakes and use them as an opportunity to learn and grow.

Learning from mistakes is a another crucial part of personal and professional growth which cannot be overlooked or ignored if you want to achieve victory. By analyzing what went wrong and identifying ways to avoid making the same mistake in the future, we can develop new skills and knowledge that help us become more successful. It’s also important to remember that mistakes are a natural part of the learning process and everyone makes them. Embracing the learning opportunities that mistakes provide can ultimately lead to greater success in all areas of life, so instead of fearing mistakes, try to view them as opportunities for improvement.

Step 5: Celebrate your victories.

Take time to acknowledge and celebrate your achievements, no matter how small they may be.

Celebrating can take many forms, such as treating yourself to something you enjoy, sharing your success with friends and family, or simply taking a moment to reflect on your progress. By celebrating your victories, you create a positive environment that encourages further growth and success.

I like to think that celebrating your victories is an important step in keeping your head in the game, and more than any of the other 4 on this list, keeping your mind right along the journey is hands down the most important thing to do if you want to achieve victory.

The American Colonists proved how vital that was then, and it is just as vital now. By taking the time to acknowledge and appreciate your achievements, you reinforce your motivation to continue moving forward. Even small successes can be cause for celebration, because they demonstrate progress and build confidence.

In my Facebook group, you can look it up and join if you like under groups and then Working At Home, for example. Every Monday we do a Money Day Mondays Challenge to help our group get motivated for the week ahead of them. My thing is that you should strive to make money right out of the gate for the week because it sets up the rest of your week for success. If you are striving to make money on the first day of the week, all of that work output that you put into that task until you achieve it, even if some or most of it results in no sale that day, it is still out there creating energy that will flow back to you maybe the next day or the next week.

The point is to keep your head in the game by making it a game to see what you can do, all while simultaneously putting out more work output that will come back to you down the line. Then celebrate those little victories. Get loud. Shout it out and spread the word of what you can do and show others that it can be done. Inspire them to achieve their own victories by witnessing yours and knowing that it is achievable.

Looking for a Good Start in Business?


Well, that’s our show for today folks. We’re out of time here unfortunately. If you feel you enjoyed the show, please do leave me a comment, and don’t forget to subscribe as well so you don’t miss a thing. You can also see this episode in blog form if you like, and sign up to receive email alerts when new episodes are released at

Remember, achieving your goals takes time and effort, but with a clear plan and a positive mindset, you can accomplish anything you set your mind to. Keep pushing forward and never give up on your dreams. Until then, I’m Chris Miller, reminding you to always keep smiling.

On the Next Episode:

Next time, on The Miller Mindset, we’ll be be talking about the Impact that mindset plays in Business Performance. Plus I’ll give you three tips to stay motivated when those blah days try to derail your efforts. That’s next Tuesday, July 18th at 2pm EST; so Don’t miss it.

Want more Episodes of The Miller Mindset. 

Subscribe to our Episode Alerts here.

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Also, check out: Episode 13 – Overcoming Your Fears to Live Your Dreams

Episode 12 – Unlocking Long-Term Business Growth made with an Adaptable Mindset

Episode 11 – Perseverance Mindset: 1 Simple Trick to Make You More Effective in Negotiations

Episode 10 – The Power of the Mind: Training Your Brain

Episode 9 – 3 Steps to Overcome Procrastination with the Right Mindset

Schedule an Appointment to speak with Chris Miller and discuss ways you can improve your mindset and grow as a business leader. Pick a time that works for your schedule now: Access Chris’ Calendar.

It's the 4th of July, so on today's show, we're talking about none other than the American Revolutionary War mindset of victory.
A Shared Mindset of Victory – Independence Day 2023

The Miller Mindset: Episode # 0014

Welcome to “The Miller Mindset”, a weekly podcast where we explore the power of positive thinking and its impact on our lives. Join me, Chris Miller, as we dive into such topics as goal- setting, overcoming obstacles, and developing a growth mindset. If you’re looking to improve your life and reach your full potential, then this podcast is for you. Don’t miss an episode. Be sure to subscribe today!

It’s the 4th of July, so on today’s show, we’re talking about none other than the American Revolutionary War mindset of victory. From the early thoughts of independence to the final battle that cemented the new nation, this is a story of perseverance and determination. So let’s get into it.

A Shared Mindset Toward Victory

The mindset of a people can be the deciding factor in overcoming oppressive governments. This was especially true during the American Revolutionary War, where a common mindset was crucial for victory. The colonists up and down the chain, from the farmer in the field, to the district leaders they charged with their wellbeing, everyone had to be united in their belief that they deserved independence and were willing to fight for it. Without this shared mindset, the revolutionaries would have been unable to rally together and fight against the powerful British army. It was this collective mindset that enabled the colonists to persevere through challenges and ultimately secure their independence. The American Revolutionary War serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of a shared mindset in achieving a common goal, especially when facing daunting challenges.

The American Revolutionary War about so much more than a mere military conflict It was about this shared belief, this shared mindset that together victory was possible. With this shared mindset of victory, our forefathers and mothers would be able to stand up against oppression, against overwhelming odds, and actually stood a chance to achieve the victory they were fighting for; what they believed in their hearts was possible. It was a mindset that the American colonists held tightly, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable obstacles.

A Mindset of Steadfast Belief

From the early thoughts of independence to the signing of the Treaty of Paris in 1783, the colonists’ mindset of victory never wavered. They knew what they were fighting for: freedom, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. And they were willing to fight to the death for it. Ask yourself if you have ever held such conviction for something you wanted.

Have you ever been so set to a task’s accomplishment that you would risk it all to achieve it?

Sometimes, when the stakes are high, your mindset needs to be so dialed in and unwavering like that in order to accomplish the goal and achieve the victory you seek; even in the midst of unprecedented opposition. If the leaders of the American Revolution had failed to maintain this shared mindset of victory during this extremely hard-fought conflict, doubt would have seeped in. Loyalties would have waned. Descent would have run rampant until the entire thing fell apart. As it was, throughout most of the war, the Revolutionaries lost more battles than they won. It was only through their mindset and shared belief in their faith that it was worthwhile to achieve that they remained steadfast until the tide changed in their favor.

Success is No Accident

Whatever you want in life, you can get it with the right mindset, training, and direction.

Our program will help you earn $10,000+/month in the first 60 Days. Find out more at:

The Revolutionary War was not won overnight. Think about that for a moment if you will as it relates to what must have been going through their minds at the time. This was a long and grueling conflict. It was a conflict that lasted for eight years in fact. The colonists faced numerous challenges, from a lack of resources and supplies to a powerful British army. But they persevered, and they never gave up hope; always believing that victory was possible.

Many historians will tell you that they got lucky. Many will tell you that they shouldn’t have won and that it was only because of a series of mistakes and of underestimating them by the British Army Commanders in charge that they didn’t lose the war and get hanged as traitors to the Crown. Many Historians will tell you that, but as a history fanatic and student, I don’t agree with those Historians at all.

Luck is a Matter of Mindset

I believe that we make our own luck in this world through hard work, and dedication to the task. So for that reason, in my estimation it is solely because of this dedication to their shared belief, this shared mindset of victory, that the Revolutionaries were able to keep going, to keep pushing forward, to keep getting back up after their friends, brothers, sisters, and yes even their children were killed time and time again in front of them. It was because of this shared mindset of victory that they were able to wear down the British forces, capture the hearts of the French who agreed to help them in the fight at such a crucial point of spiritual need, and fight on to the victory they knew in their hearts was worth fighting and laying down their lives for.

This shared mindset of victory, for the reasons that I have discussed here today, was so strong, and so overwhelmingly ingrained into the hearts of all at the time, that the achievement of that mindset of victory still lies in the hearts and at the core of every American still to this day. We grow up with this belief, and we are raised to believe that we can do anything when we band together as a people; and when we put our undying faith into our convictions. The American Revolutionary War mindset of victory is still celebrated today as a symbol of American patriotism and resilience every year on the 4th of July, which serves as a reminder to each of us each year that with this hard work, determination, and an unwavering belief in ourselves and each other, anything is possible. God Bless America.

Looking for a Good Start in Business?


Well, that’s our show for today folks. We’re out of time here unfortunately. I was going to go ahead and give you a simple 5 step process to achieving everything you want, but you’ll just have to tune in again next week for it and I’ll use next week as a follow up that will help you incorporate these strategies into your business model.

If you feel you enjoyed the show, please do leave me a comment, and don’t forget to subscribe as well so you don’t miss a thing. You can also see this episode in blog form if you like, and sign up to receive email alerts when new episodes are released at Until then, I’m Chris Miller, reminding you to always keep smiling.

On the Next Episode:

Next time, on The Miller Mindset, we’ll be be talking about the roles mindset plays in achieving victory. Plus I’ll give you five simple steps to achieve everything you want. That’s next Tuesday, July 11th at 2pm EST; so Don’t miss it.

Want more Episodes of The Miller Mindset. 

Subscribe to our Episode Alerts here.

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Also, check out: Episode 13 – Overcoming Your Fears to Live Your Dreams

Episode 12 – Unlocking Long-Term Business Growth made with an Adaptable Mindset

Episode 11 – Perseverance Mindset: 1 Simple Trick to Make You More Effective in Negotiations

Episode 10 – The Power of the Mind: Training Your Brain

Episode 9 – 3 Steps to Overcome Procrastination with the Right Mindset

Schedule an Appointment to speak with Chris Miller and discuss ways you can improve your mindset and grow as a business leader. Pick a time that works for your schedule now: Access Chris’ Calendar.

Mindset: Overcome Your Fears to Live Your Dreams

The Miller Mindset: Episode # 0013

Welcome to “The Miller Mindset”, a weekly podcast where we explore the power of positive thinking and its impact on our lives. Join me, Chris Miller, as we dive into such topics as goal- setting, overcoming obstacles, and developing a growth mindset. If you’re looking to improve your life and reach your full potential, then this podcast is for you. Don’t miss an episode. Be sure to subscribe today!

On today’s show, we will be discussing the importance of overcoming fear in our mindset. Fear can be a powerful emotion that can hold us back from achieving our goals. In fact, studies have shown that fear can actually cost us in business.

The Miller Mindset: Episode 13

Fear Mindset

Let’s talk for a moment, about the fear of failure. Many people are so afraid of failing that they never even try to start their own business. This fear can be paralyzing and prevent people from pursuing their dreams.

For example, the Small Business Administration conducted a study a few years back and found that 50% of small businesses fail within the first five years. Furthermore, this study sought to understand the reasons behind such a high rate of failure, and do you know what they found to be the number one culprit? It was that the owners were, in most cases, too afraid to take risks and try new things. They played it safe, and as a result they played it safe right to last place.

Playing It Safe Will Not Get You There

Folks, remember something when your out there working for your future and you think to yourself, “I should just play it safe here.” History doesn’t remember those who played it safe. History remembers those who went for it. Those who ran into the flames while others were fleeing for their lives. Those who took on the challenge that everyone said couldn’t be done. People told Henry Ford he couldn’t mass produce an automobile and make it affordable for the everyday American family as well. But then he did it.

People told Steve Jobs he couldn’t make a computer be elegant and easy for the everyday college or high school kid to use. But then he did it. Again, they told jobs you can’t put an entire computer into a phone in someone’s pocket. But then he did that too.

Julius Caesar was a mere Army General, ordered to stop and sentenced to death by the Roman Senate. Had he obeyed those orders, or allowed himself to be killed, no one today would even know his name. But didn’t did he. In fact he led his Army across the Rubicon and took Rome for his own, replaced the Senate which had condemned him to death, and became the owner of the very name which is today, synonymous with our word for King.

History remembers those who took the risks. It doesn’t have room for those who play it safe. Remember that, and wrap your mind around it. Go out there and get what you want, and never hold back.

Success is No Accident

Whatever you want in life, you can get it with the right mindset, training, and direction.

Our program will help you earn $10,000+/month in the first 60 Days. Find out more at:

Mindset of Fearing Rejection

Another example of how fears cost someone in their business and in their careers. I’m talking about the fear of rejection. This fear can prevent people from reaching out to potential clients or partners. They may be afraid of being told no or being seen as a nuisance. However, this fear can cost them valuable opportunities.

For instance, a salesperson who is too afraid to make cold calls may miss out on potential clients who could have helped their business grow. Have you ever skipped a house, or a business just because there was a sign by the door that read “No Solicitors”. Many have, and I can tell you it was a mistake. Let me tell you something. Those signs don’t just come with the property when they buy the place you know.

This is a product they had to take their time to go out and purchase, or have printed up, and then post it on their door. Why do you think they do this? In my experience as a door-to-door salesman for more than 30 years, and top salesperson in my State, and Region for several major National and Global Companies, I am uniquely qualified to explain this to you.

The reason that the majority of them do it is because they are tired of buying things from people who come to their door. And why are they tired of it? Because they know that they have a difficult time saying no and turning the shiny little bobble in front of them away. 18 times out of 20, you’re going to meet with little to no resistance in these situations, and your sale will be all but guaranteed because you did not allow something as trivial as a sign get in your way.

Be Bold, and Speak Out

Overcoming fear can pay off big for you in business. Overcoming your fears about speaking in public is a terrific example of this. Many people have a fear of speaking in front of others, but those who overcome this fear can see great rewards in their career.

For example, a CEO who is able to confidently give presentations may be able to land more clients or secure greater investments for their company. A nobody, fresh out of college amasses millions of followers and becomes an overnight influencer because they decided to get on stage and talk about their passion.

With risk comes the equal potential for both failure, and reward. Roll the dice. Take the risk. The worst that can happen is that you mess it up and leave no better off that you were at that moment. The other side of that coin however, leads to notoriety, fame, and fortune.

Caution is Prudent, but Don’t let it be Crippling

Don’t misunderstand me here however. Caution and calculation is still important. If someone asked me to jump off a bridge as an example, I would not likely entertain that idea. But while it’s important to be cautious, those who are too afraid to take risks may miss out on valuable opportunities.

For instance, a business owner who is too afraid to invest in new technology may fall behind their competitors who are more willing to take risks and innovate. There was a sign posted on the exit door in a shop I worked in a long time ago. I saw it every time I left that office, and I really liked the message it sent me out with. The Sign read,

“Take good care of your customers today or someone else will be taking good care of them tomorrow.”

Think about that for a moment and let that sink in.


Well, that’s our show for today folks. I hope you enjoyed and and perhaps learned a little something that you found to be of value to you today. Remember, fear can be a powerful emotion that can hold us back in business. However, by overcoming our fears, we can see great rewards and achieve our goals. As Nelson Mandela once said, “I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it.” Thank you for tuning in to our podcast today.

If you feel you enjoyed the show, please do leave me a comment, and don’t forget to subscribe as well so you don’t miss a thing. You can also see this episode in blog form if you like, and sign up to receive email alerts when new episodes are released at Until then, I’m Chris Miller, reminding you to always keep smiling.

On the Next Episode:

Next time, on The Miller Mindset, we’ll be be talking about the revolutionary war and exploring the importance mindset played in achieving victory. Plus I’ll give you five simple steps to achieve everything you want. That’s Independence Day 2023 next Tuesday, July 4th at 2pm EST; so Don’t miss it.

Want more Episodes of The Miller Mindset. 

Subscribe to our Episode Alerts here.

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Also, check out Episode two: 3 Simple Steps: Maximize your Strengths and Down Play Weaknesses

Episode three: Creating a Cultural Mindset of Growth for Your Business

Episode four: Mindset for Productivity – Revealing the Simple Truth

Episode 5: Overcome Imposter Syndrome: Use These 2 Simple Tips For Results

and Episode 6: Time Efficiency: When You Make Small Mindset Shifts For Big Improvements

Schedule an Appointment to speak with Chris Miller and discuss ways you can improve your mindset and grow as a business leader. Pick a time that works for your schedule now: Access Chris’ Calendar.

Unlocking Long-Term Business Growth made with an Adaptable Mindset

The Miller Mindset: Episode # 0012

Welcome to “The Miller Mindset”, a weekly podcast where we explore the power of positive thinking and its impact on our lives. Join me, Chris Miller, as we dive into such topics as goal- setting, overcoming obstacles, and developing a growth mindset. If you’re looking to improve your life and reach your full potential, then this podcast is for you. Don’t miss an episode. Be sure to subscribe today! On today’s show, we will be discussing the importance of having an Adaptability element in your mindset for growing long-term business growth, and I’ll share with you, one little known trick that can help you stay on top of the competition as you continue to grow your business. So let’s get into it.

In today’s rapidly changing business landscape, adaptability is a crucial element that separates successful businesses from those that fail. By having an adaptable mindset, you can navigate through unexpected challenges and capitalize on new opportunities. It means being able to adjust to new situations and challenges quickly and effectively.

Adaptability Mindset In Action ( Example #1)

For example, during the COVID-19 pandemic, many businesses were forced to quickly adapt to the new reality of remote work and social distancing. Companies that were able to pivot their operations and adapt to the new landscape were able to not only survive but thrive during the pandemic. One such example is Zoom, which quickly became the go-to video conferencing platform for remote work and virtual events.

Adaptability Mindset In Action ( Example #2)

Another real-world example of the importance of having an adaptable mindset is the rise of the gig economy. With the rise of platforms like Uber, Lyft, and Airbnb, traditional employment models are being disrupted, and individuals must be able to adapt to new ways of working. Those who have an adaptable mindset can take advantage of the opportunities offered by the gig economy, earning income on their own terms, and creating their own work/life balance. In contrast, those who are resistant to change or unable to adapt may struggle to find employment in the new economy. In conclusion, having an adaptable mindset is crucial for success in today’s world, and examples such as Zoom and the gig economy illustrate the importance of this trait in navigating through unexpected challenges and capitalizing on new opportunities.

Speaking of new opportunities.

Where do you think you’re at right now in your business and in your professional career? Do you know? Are you where you want to be? If not, consider my coaching program over here at and become another one of my many clients which are super happy with the results they’ve received. Our goal is to help you put $10,000 into your monthly revenues within the first 60 days. Find out more at

Success is No Accident

Whatever you want in life, you can get it with the right mindset, training, and direction.

Our program will help you earn $10,000+/month in the first 60 Days. Find out more at:

Now. At the start of this, I told you I was going to give you one little trick that is often overlooked, which can help you stay on top of your competition. So here it is.

A little-known trick to staying on top of the competition is to constantly seek feedback from your customers and employees. This feedback can provide valuable insights into areas where your business can improve and help you stay ahead of the curve. It can also help you identify new trends and emerging markets early on, giving you an advantage over your competitors.

The simplest way to get feedback from your customers is simply to just ask them for it after they purchase something from you. You can do this real easy just by sending an e-mail that says thanks for your purchase. Tell us how we did. Also you can send requests for reviews or just ask them how well they liked the product that they purchased the next time that they call.


Well, that’s our show for today folks. I hope you enjoyed and and perhaps learned a little something that you found to be of value to you today. Remember, a business that is not adaptable is a business that is not sustainable. By embracing adaptability, you can ensure long-term growth and success for your business. So, take the time to evaluate your mindset and make the necessary changes to become a more adaptable business owner. Thank you for tuning in to our podcast today. If you feel you enjoyed the show, please do leave me a comment, and don’t forget to subscribe as well so you don’t miss a thing. You can also see this episode in blog form if you like, and sign up to receive email alerts when new episodes are released at Until then, I’m Chris Miller, reminding you to always keep smiling.

On the Next Episode:

Next time, on The Miller Mindset, we’ll be exploring the importance of overcoming fear in your mindset and taking the leap on those calculated risks. I could think of no better subject to discuss on our 13th episode than dealing with the fears that hold us back, so it should be a lot of fun to explore. That’s next Tuesday, June 27th, 2023 at 2pm EST; so Don’t miss it.

Want more Episodes of The Miller Mindset. 

Subscribe to our Episode Alerts here.

Follow us on Social:

Also, check out Episode two: 3 Simple Steps: Maximize your Strengths and Down Play Weaknesses

Episode three: Creating a Cultural Mindset of Growth for Your Business

Episode four: Mindset for Productivity – Revealing the Simple Truth

Episode 5: Overcome Imposter Syndrome: Use These 2 Simple Tips For Results

and Episode 6: Time Efficiency: When You Make Small Mindset Shifts For Big Improvements

Schedule an Appointment to speak with Chris Miller and discuss ways you can improve your mindset and grow as a business leader. Pick a time that works for your schedule now: Access Chris’ Calendar.

Perseverance Mindset: 1 Simple Trick to Make You More Effective in Negotiations

The Miller Mindset: Episode # 0011

Welcome to “The Miller Mindset”, a weekly podcast where we explore the power of positive thinking and its impact on our lives. Join me, Chris Miller, as we dive into such topics as goal- setting, overcoming obstacles, and developing a growth mindset. If you’re looking to improve your life and reach your full potential, then this podcast is for you. Don’t miss an episode. Be sure to subscribe today! On today’s show, we will be discussing how developing a mindset of perseverance in business can help you get to the top of the mountain. So let’s get into it.

As an entrepreneur or business owner, it’s important to have a strong sense of perseverance. Perseverance is your ability to keep going, even when things get tough, and if you are a business owner, I guarantee you this. At one point or another, things will get tough. Because of this, a mindset of perseverance is crucial for the success of your business, and yourself, during these moments of challenges and setbacks.

So, how do you develop a mindset of perseverance?

One way is to focus on your goals and create a plan to achieve them. Break down your goals into smaller, more manageable steps and celebrate each accomplishment along the way. This will help you stay motivated and focused on your end goal because it will always remain in focus, and it will seem more manageable with each task completion.

Success is No Accident

Whatever you want in life, you can get it with the right mindset, training, and direction.

Our program will help you earn $10,000+/month in the first 60 Days. Find out more at:

Another important aspect of perseverance is having a positive attitude.

Embrace challenges as opportunities to learn and grow, rather than as roadblocks. Surround yourself with supportive people who will encourage you and help you stay motivated. Its more about restructuring your approach to how you look at things. For example, if their is something I want to buy, but I don’t have the cash on hand, I don’t even look at it in terms of cost. I look at it in terms of sales needed. That car for example costs $47K. If I look at it as an expense of $47K, that seems like a big purchase and maybe I don’t want to spend that much on a car. On the other hand, the reality is that I can buy the car for the cost of just 5 sales, which I know I can do in about a month. Now that car is not so expensive to me and I might be more inclined to buy it. By having a mindset of perseverance in place, I found another way to look at the problem and find a solution I was happy to live with. That same concept is the concept you need to approach when dealing with your clients as well. Help them find a way to look at it that they are happy to live with.

Now, let’s talk about a simple trick to becoming more authoritative in sales negotiations.

There are many strategies people use in negotiation, but one effective strategy is to use the concept of “anchoring.” Anchoring is a psychological technique where you establish a starting point for the negotiation by throwing out a number or value that is higher or lower than what you actually expect to receive. This creates a reference point for the negotiation and can help you control the direction of the conversation. Sometimes you will get your price without question and you make more money. Other times, you can negotiate a deal which makes the client feel as though they have won in some manner. In either case, you ensure that you get the price you want and then add up a cushion by which to negotiate on.

For example: Many years ago, I built a business as a Hypnotherapist with the goal to work with returning war veterans that had been injured and wanted a drug free solution to dealing with pain management. I got so much out of that work at the time, but first I had to meet the requirements for working with the Department of Veterans Affairs which required that my business be in operation for a minimum of a year before I could be awarded the contract. That meant I would need to see regular clients before I could fulfill my company’s purpose.

I looked first to see what my competitors were doing and what they were charging. There were at least 10 direct competitors within a 20 mile radius of my office, all of them in operation for years already, and all of them charging exactly $35/hr. So using the concept of anchoring, I set my pricing at $100/hr and I made sure that I advertised that price everywhere. I knew that I could settle for as low of $35 if I had to, but I certainly didn’t want to, and I needed a way for my clients to justify coming to the new guy on the block instead of my older, more established neighbors.

The results were that people would call me just to find out why I was the only guy in town charging 3x the price as everyone else. They were curious. They wanted to know what it was I was doing that the others were not. They wanted to understand what I knew that the others didn’t know. Ultimately, they came with me because of the perception that I must be better than the others because I was charging so much more than they were.

I took the business, and negotiated my fee a bit as needed, but most of the time I stuck to my numbers and got the deal at my asking price because I had instantly become the perceived authority by the prospective clients who called. Instant Authority, gained through nothing more than an anchor price, not through merit, work history, social media followers, social proof, client proof, concept proof, or any other means. I did it through my understanding of the psychological insecurity that most people have that they want and feel like they aren’t good enough as they are, and that they want to show the world that they are better.

These insecurities drive people to pay higher prices for status symbols, and $47K cars that won’t do anything more than a $14K car can do for them. Why spend the extra? For the same reason as anything else. We perceive that one is better than the other. This creates a higher reference point in our minds, and in the minds of our buyers as business owners. These perceptions make your initial offer seem more reasonable and actually help them decide on their own that it is better for them to do. In other words, you are helping them find a way to look at it that they are happy to live with.


Well, that’s our show for today folks. I hope you enjoyed and and perhaps learned a little something that you found to be of value to you today. Remember, developing a mindset of perseverance is crucial for your success in business. Focus on your goals, maintain a positive attitude, and surround yourself with supportive people that have the skills, resources, and motivations to build you up for your success. If you want to work on becoming more authoritative in sales negotiations, try using this anchoring technique we discussed here today to establish a reference point and gain a better control of the conversation as you go through your sales cycle. If you feel you enjoyed the show, please do leave me a comment, and don’t forget to subscribe as well so you don’t miss a thing. You can also see this episode in blog form if you like, and sign up to receive email alerts when new episodes are released at Until then, I’m Chris Miller, reminding you to always keep smiling.

On the Next Episode:

Next time, on The Miller Mindset, we’ll be exploring the importance of having an Adaptability element in your mindset for growing long-term business growth, and I’ll provide you with a another little known trick, just like the one we discussed here today, that can help you stay on top of the competition as you continue to grow your business. That’s next Tuesday, June 20th, 2023 at 2pm EST; so Don’t miss it.

Want more Episodes of The Miller Mindset. 

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Also, check out Episode two: 3 Simple Steps: Maximize your Strengths and Down Play Weaknesses

Episode three: Creating a Cultural Mindset of Growth for Your Business

Episode four: Mindset for Productivity – Revealing the Simple Truth

Episode 5: Overcome Imposter Syndrome: Use These 2 Simple Tips For Results

and Episode 6: Time Efficiency: When You Make Small Mindset Shifts For Big Improvements

Schedule an Appointment to speak with Chris Miller and discuss ways you can improve your mindset and grow as a business leader. Pick a time that works for your schedule now: Access Chris’ Calendar.

The Power of the Mind: Training Your Brain

The Miller Mindset: Episode # 0010

Welcome to “The Miller Mindset”, a weekly podcast where we explore the power of positive thinking and its impact on our lives. Join me, Chris Miller, as we dive into such topics as goal- setting, overcoming obstacles, and developing a growth mindset. If you’re looking to improve your life and reach your full potential, then this podcast is for you. Don’t miss an episode. Be sure to subscribe today! On today’s show, we will be discussing how your brain works behind the scenes to keep you on a set pattern. If you can recognize it, you can change it. So let’s get into it.

How the Mind Works

I went to school for 1 1/2 years to learn this and I know a good deal about this subject. The mind is a beautiful thing, and many people think that they understand it, when in fact they don’t. The brain isn’t actually made up of 1 mind. It is made up of 2. One one side, you have the conscious mind that makes up roughly 12% of your mind and controls your short-term memory. The other side is the subconscious mind, which composes the remaining 88% of your thoughts, controls your long-term memory as well as the majority of things you do on a regular basis. Once you understand that, it is important to understand what actually happens inside your mind to get you functioning and doing what you do. It all comes down to information. Everything you see, smell, taste, and touch gets translated into information by the conscious mind and stored in a holding area waiting to be processed. If enough of the same information is gathered, it is allowed to pass through the critical mind filter into the subconscious, and it sticks.

The Critical Mind Filter

Think of the critical mind filter like a bouncer at a nightclub. It’s job is very similar. There is only so much space in the subconscious to store information, so only the most popular information is allowed to get into this trendy club. If you see something once for example, that isn’t enough to make it. If you see the same thing repeatedly however, now you are forming a popular group of similar information, and this group has the star-power to get into the club. It doesn’t matter if this information is good or bad; only that it is popular or, in other words, that it is prevalent enough to become a group.

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Understanding Knowns

The concept of the Known and Unknown is usually a difficult one for people to wrap their head around, but I will attempt to make it pretty simple to follow. Information itself is neither good or bad. It is just information. The associations we hold within our subconscious mind to a piece of information determines whether or not it is a known or an unknown and, by extension, whether or not we decide we like it or don’t like it.

The known is simply that enough information of the same type have grouped together to become a prevalent though in the subconscious. If enough information reinforces other information, it becomes a known for that particular idea in your mind. Once this happens, habits are formed. Look at smoking or drinking as a good example. People become chain smokers or heavy drinkers because they did it allot and formed the habit of doing it. Once that happens, it can be difficult to stop doing it because the subconscious mind keeps telling you to do it. It does this because, in it’s own way, it thinks this is something you want to do. It thinks this because you took the time to do it enough to become an established known in your mind. You made it a habit, and your subconscious wants you to keep repeating your habits because it believes that is what you want. The fact that you might not want to continue this habit at some point doesn’t have much weight, because the giant group of knowns formed from the information reinforcing this habit are drowning out the noise of the tiny group of unknowns which are trying to say, “I want to change.”

Understanding Unknowns

So unknows work the same way, but it is more difficult to make changes based on them because they are few fighting against the many. The only way to make effective changes is by reinforcing the unknows more and more, while deliberately no reinforcing the knowns any longer. This is not easy to accomplish however, because your subconscious mind controls 88% of all thought processes, and it works solely on the basis of pattern recognition. It doesn’t care if you want to make changes. It doesn’t get emotions or the concepts of right and wrong. These are conscious mind tasks to consider. The subconscious ONLY looks at the patterns, and it will continue to run them on a loop until you have reinforced enough of the unknowns associated with that particular thought to overtake the already established knowns that were there beforehand.

Running the Pattern

Along that journey, until the unknowns take over the knowns, the subconscious will continue to try to correct what it thinks is an error in the pattern be making subtle suggestions to you to return to the established pattern. Remember that you thoughts are not entirely your own. They are representations of the pattern. If your pattern is:


but then you suddenly try to change it to:


your subconscious mind will try to put you back on the pattern it assumes is the true pattern you really want to live. It does this by making small, subtle corrects that will meet with relatively little resistance. Each tiny correction slowly moves you back to the established pattern until one day you realize all of your hard work to change didn’t pay off. Don’t get mad about it though, because your mind is only trying to help. You took the time, and made the effort, to make this pattern your reality after all. It is only trying to help you continue to get the things it thinks you want because of that fact. Now that you know this information, go out there and train you mind to establish new patterns. You have to consciously do that with the 12% of your conscious mind because your subconscious doesn’t think in terms of what is good for you or bad. Conscious effort, and all the time, keeping it fresh in your mind, is the only way to make change happen because you have to build on the unknowns until they become the knowns and take over the previously established pattern. When you do, the new pattern takes over, and your mind will help you stay on that path from then on; even when things veer off.


Well, that’s our show for today folks. Remember, changing your pattern to train your brain for positive change is all about your mindset. By adopting a positive and focused mindset that keeps conscious awareness on the information you want to replace the known your don’t want in your life, you can increase the size of those groups in the club and achieve the success in your life that you want to see. I hope you enjoyed and and perhaps learned a little something that you found to be of value to you today. If you feel you enjoyed the show, please do leave me a comment, and don’t forget to subscribe as well so you don’t miss a thing. You can also see this episode in blog form if you like, and sign up to receive email alerts when new episodes are released at Until then, I’m Chris Miller, reminding you to always keep smiling.

On the Next Episode:

Next time, on The Miller Mindset, we’ll be exploring the importance of perseverance in business, and I’ll give you a simple trick that will help you be more authoritative in your approaches. That’s next Tuesday, June 13th, 2023 at 2pm EST; so Don’t miss it.

Want more Episodes of The Miller Mindset. 

Subscribe to our Episode Alerts here.

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Also, check out Episode two: 3 Simple Steps: Maximize your Strengths and Down Play Weaknesses

Episode three: Creating a Cultural Mindset of Growth for Your Business

Episode four: Mindset for Productivity – Revealing the Simple Truth

Episode 5: Overcome Imposter Syndrome: Use These 2 Simple Tips For Results

and Episode 6: Time Efficiency: When You Make Small Mindset Shifts For Big Improvements

Schedule an Appointment to speak with Chris Miller and discuss ways you can improve your mindset and grow as a business leader. Pick a time that works for your schedule now: Access Chris’ Calendar.